I was walking our dog, Webster, along the edge of the ballpark under some pine trees. He sniffed at something on the ground that I thought was a baseball with the covering torn off, but when I picked it up and turned it over it was a small bird nest. I did some research to find out what kind of bird makes this kind of nest. Three clues: 1. it was small, three inches by three inches, but bigger than a hummingbird nest which is the size of a quarter 2. it had a perfectly shaped cup, very tidy 3. the nest was mostly made of dried grass but also had thistledown or milkweed fluff weaved in so the nest felt soft and spongy not brittle. I decided this was a goldfinch nest. Here is a nice video about the goldfinch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m89zcYdv-mA