Happy Halloween! Popcorn balls became popular in the 1950s when people handed out homemade goodies to kids for trick-or-treat. Below are pictures of the cooking steps. Here is the recipe my family uses(it is tripled in the pictures below):
8 cups popped corn
2/3 cup white sugar
2/3 cup white Karo syrup
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla
food coloring is optional
Put sugar, syrup, and salt in a pan.

Add food coloring.

Cook on stovetop, stirring frequently until all the sugar is melted and the mixture boils.

Add the vanilla, stir, and then pour over the popcorn.

Stir the popcorn until the kernels are all coated with the sticky syrup.

While it is still warm, form the popcorn into balls like you’re making a snowball. Works best if you put some butter or other food oil on the hands so the popcorn doesn’t stick to you.